So, if the buyout DOES happen, they will knock down certain homes, and take some land to make the creek wider. When I took the picture of the view from where we THINK they are going to take land, the big Cypress tree that Andrew gave us was right behind me. We think that Cypress tree will probably be saved. Good thing we planted it so far from the creek. We are sad to see that our two White-Thorned Acacias (along with several other nice trees that Guillermo planted back there) are probably going to be bull-dozed. But Guillermo has taken some seeds from those acacias and will start some new trees later. Actually, Guillermo planted most of the trees out in our field (there are 4 mesquite trees he didn't plant), so whatever tree is in the buyout area, it probably is a tree that Guillermo planted. :-(
Some pictures of the garden
The beans are growing - using the bridal veil cover worked!
Doing a little weeding
Fall tomatoes
Checking the plants for pests
The only watermelon that survived. Something ate all the others.
Guillermo by the White Thorned Acacia, grown from seeds he picked up at the U of A when Rebeca was going to school there.
From this spot all the way back to the creek will be how wide they are planning on widening that creek.
A rabbit has been eating on this plant