We got up early today, got ready for hiking, drove to the hotel to have breakfast and then we got back in the car and drove to Tenorio Volcano National Park. This trail is quite long and we had done part of the trail last year in a sometimes driving rain before deciding we weren't having fun and giving up. Well, this day was nice and sunny so we were happy to see that this time we'd have a nice hike.
Fernando and Eva at the start of the hike.
Our prize find on this hike was seeing an Umbrella Bird! I didn't get any pictures, but Fernando and Eva did. It was quite exciting, even though it was a female and the colors weren't there. We even saw this female Umbrella Bird dive down to the bottom of a tree, catch a lizard and then carry it up to a branch. Then we saw her slap the lizard against the branch several times before eating it.
One of the highlights of this trail is a Blue Lake.
Some pictures of us at this Blue Lake
This is the river as it flows away from the Blue Lake
Another highlight of this trail are some thermal springs, which I didn't take a picture of, but they're just to the right where all the little rocks are. There were people swimming in them, but we didn't.
This picture shows where the river gets its blue color.
One of the fun bridges along the trail.
After seeing the Blue Lake and the thermal pool, it was time for a break! We are relaxing for a while at an overlook.
Caught Fernando with a mouth full of popcorn.....
This was the view from the overlook.
We really had good luck on the hike this time because in contrast to the very heavy rain we had last year during almost the entire hike, this year it didn't start raining until we were getting close to the end of the trail. So we hiked once again in rain, but at least we were able to do practically all of it in good weather.
Once we were done hiking this trail, we drove about a kilometer up the road to a little home that has two rooms for people to stay in and they also serve lunch. So, we had lunch there on a nice covered porch. The food was delicious, the surroundings were pretty and we got some good rain while we had lunch there. All in all, very nice.
We took it easy the rest of the day, stopping by a grocery store on the way home for some snacks. That evening we ate dinner once again at the Heliconias hotel and then turned in for the night.