Yesterday, I went out shopping and to lunch with Mom and Linda. We had a good time picking up interesting things at World Market and then ending up at Logan's Roadhouse for lunch after all our other choices for where to eat were too crowded.
Meanwhile, Guillermo stayed at home working on the garden and looking forward to today, for when John Fardal was going to come over to help him put the door on the shed.
Well, when I got home from the outing with Mom and Linda, I was surprised to see John's truck in our driveway! Turns out he would rather work on the door that day than on Saturday. So, the door got put on yesterday and now we can lock things up in the shed!
When I got home, I went out onto the deck to say hello to the two guys and what did I see but the hawk sitting on the neighbor's fence! I pointed the hawk out to them and John said, "That's nothing. A little earlier, that same hawk was sitting on OUR fence not more than 15 feet away from where we were working!!" He said that they admired the hawk for a little while and then, fearing they'd scare it off, got back to work anyway. But the hawk stayed there and just looked around the whole time they were sawing and hammering and making all kinds of racket. We're thinking that the hawk is probably interested in the birds that come to the neighbor's bird feeder.
Here is the picture we got of Scotty yesterday. This picture sure makes us smile!
Today, we saw the hawk sitting on the neighbor's fence quite often. And we even saw it fly up out of the neighbor's yard and apparently had caught something because it sat there on the fence eating something.
In this picture, it looks like he's sitting on our side fence, but he's sitting on the iron fence along the neighbor's back yard. Yesterday Guillermo and John saw the hawk when it was sitting on our wooden fence there above the green and red little bird feeder. Now THAT'S close!
And the picture of Scotty today!