Saturday, March 29, 2014

3 pictures and a FaceTime!

We had a nice Face Time with Rebeca and Scotty today, using our new little Ipad mini.  A little disappointing in the video because it was choppy and sometimes fragmented.  We hope the next time is better.
And here are the latest pictures of Scotty!

This picture is from March 28th

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

From Monday March 24th

Forgot to post this picture on Monday -
So sweet how Scotty is holding Jason's finger

And how about this view from the window of our guest bathroom!!  Nice - he noticed us right away when we were standing at the door of the bathroom, but didn't seem concerned as we kept inching up closer and closer to the window, actually getting as close as the bathtub!

Sunday, March 23, 2014

3 months old!

And giving Mommy a fit!  Rebeca tried to get him to sit in his usual spot next to the stuffed animal for his 3 months old picture and at first Scotty was having none of it!  Here he is knocking the stuffed animal back and squirming around so much that he was starting to wiggle his way off the chair!  And the expression on his face looks like he's saying, "Here's how I feel about these monthly pictures!"

But eventually she caught him in a calm enough moment to capture this picture.

Saturday, March 22, 2014


Here's little Scotty today in his "cow" outfit!

Guillermo and I worked on the wooden blinds in the guest bedroom today.  That blind had WAY too many slats on them and the extras were all piled high on the bottom of the window sill.  It looked crazy.  So we took the plunge and painstakingly undid the bottom of the blind and one by one removed enough slats to make it look decent.  And amazingly enough, we were able to put it all back together correctly!  Hmmm, maybe we missed our calling of wooden blind repair!  

Friday, March 21, 2014

Just precious

Those cheeks need some serious kissing!

Look at that big boy holding his bottle all by himself!


Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Little Helper

This picture Rebeca sent to us yesterday.

And we got these two pictures today.
This one shows Scotty helping Jason do the laundry.  He helped by waving the socks around to dry them out.

Rebeca said Jason sent her this picture after she sent him a message saying she wants to get home and smother Scotty with kisses!  Ha-ha, Scotty looks worried..... and like he's saying, "Really??  She wants to do what???"    ;-)

Shed is done!

So, the shed is done.  The door is on and painted and there is no more worrying about rain getting inside onto the unpainted wood. (Not that it ever really rained hard around here, anyway).  But still.  And all the surfaces are painted and look really nice.  Guillermo did a really good job building this shed.  He had some help from friends but mainly he himself worked really, really hard on it!  

And there are plants already inside being protected from the cold tonight!

It's still nice and roomy inside, but I'm sure the space in there is going to fill up in no time.

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Good view of a hawk

Yesterday, I went out shopping and to lunch with Mom and Linda.  We had a good time picking up interesting things at World Market and then ending up at Logan's Roadhouse for lunch after all our other choices for where to eat were too crowded.
Meanwhile, Guillermo stayed at home working on the garden and looking forward to today, for when John Fardal was going to come over to help him put the door on the shed.

Well, when I got home from the outing with Mom and Linda, I was surprised to see John's truck in our driveway!  Turns out he would rather work on the door that day than on Saturday.  So, the door got put on yesterday and now we can lock things up in the shed!

When I got home, I went out onto the deck to say hello to the two guys and what did I see but the hawk sitting on the neighbor's fence!  I pointed the hawk out to them and John said, "That's nothing.  A little earlier, that same hawk was sitting on OUR fence not more than 15 feet away from where we were working!!"  He said that they admired the hawk for a little while and then, fearing they'd scare it off, got back to work anyway.  But the hawk stayed there and just looked around the whole time they were sawing and hammering and making all kinds of racket.  We're thinking that the hawk is probably interested in the birds that come to the neighbor's bird feeder.
Here is the picture we got of Scotty yesterday.  This picture sure makes us smile!

Today, we saw the hawk sitting on the neighbor's fence quite often.  And we even saw it fly up out of the neighbor's yard and apparently had caught something because it sat there on the fence eating something.
In this picture, it looks like he's sitting on our side fence, but he's sitting on the iron fence along the neighbor's back yard.  Yesterday Guillermo and John saw the hawk when it was sitting on our wooden fence there above the green and red little bird feeder.  Now THAT'S close!

And the picture of Scotty today!

Thursday, March 13, 2014

NOT gray!

The lighting is a little weird in this picture - it makes Scotty's hair look gray!  Rebeca said he does have a little touch of cradle cap, so the way his hair looks may also have to do with that flaky white stuff.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Smiling sweetly

I just love this picture.  It's now the background on my phone so that I can see it a lot!

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Mom's Birthday

Today is Mom's 85th birthday!  We celebrated at her absolute favorite restaurant - an English pub called The Lion and Rose.  Tomorrow I will put pictures on of us at the restaurant and also some pictures of Scotty.
Here we are celebrating with Mom at the restaurant.  Mom enjoyed her usual Fish and Chips with hot tea, and Bread Pudding for dessert.

And now some pictures of Scotty.
This picture is from March 10th

These are from March 11

Here he seems to be saying, "My Daddy and I make a good team!"

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Cutie pie

Here's today's picture!

Love his little smile!

We did another "Face Time" with Rebeca and Scotty today.  We sang him some songs and "talked" with him. We thoroughly enjoyed it and again, he would look intently into that little box that Rebeca was holding in front of him.  Wish we could know exactly how much he can see what that little box (Rebeca's phone) is showing.

Friday, March 7, 2014

Different pictures

And now a few pictures of some flowers that we bought for when we had company the other day.  It was too hard to decide which picture was prettiest so all 3 of them are included.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Busy days

This picture is from yesterday.  Scotty is there on his "tummy-time" mat.  Scotty seems to prefer lying on his back so this mat is good for the short amount of time that he will allow to be placed on his stomach.

Rebeca tells us that Scotty and Jason are doing well during the day.  Which is wonderful news.  We know it is also a comfort for Rebeca to know that the two of them are having good days.
These next two pictures are actually from March 6th.  Just some scenes from Scotty during the day.
Jason reading Scotty a book and it looks like Scotty is really listening!

And here Scrappy is entertaining Scotty!

Also, on this day, Guillermo went to John Fardal's house to make the door for the shed.  It looks like we are going to get some rain on Saturday, so since the door won't be ready in time, there will still be a need to place a small tarp over the entrance to the shed so rain doesn't blow in.  Making that door is the last thing that needs to be finished and then he won't have to mess with tarps of any size anymore!

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Yesterday, the 2nd day back to work, seemed to go a little smoother, according to Rebeca.  Here is Scotty
"dancing" with his dad.

Monday, March 3, 2014

The day went ok

So, Rebeca's first day back to work today after having Scotty.  She had a little over two months to enjoy being at home with him.  I'm sure it was hard to leave him to go back to work but she says that the first day went fine.  Jason brought Scotty to her at lunch and Scotty spent about an hour and a half with her at work while Jason went to a meeting.
Here is Scotty getting a bottle from Jason.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Catch up time, again.

Not sure how it happened that these pictures didn't get posted on their appropriate days, but this post and the next will catch us up.
This picture was taken on March 1st of Scotty lying on his rain forest mat.

And here are the latest pictures of Guillermo's shed.  He's been painting away!
Guillermo just put in that little vent on the bottom right this morning.

And this is how the shed looks all painted.  Looks quite nice, I think!
Guillermo has been painting the last 4 days or so.

Way too behind

Here is Scotty from February 27th.
Rebeca sends us pictures sometimes in the morning and the caption is, "Good Morning!"
That's how this picture was that day.

And a picture from February 28th.
Scotty taking a nap in his crib.

We did a video chat with Fernando on the evening of February 28th for his birthday.  It was maybe the only time we'll ever get to wish him a Happy Birthday on the two possible days he could celebrate his birthday when it's a non-leap-year.  Because since he's in Japan and since there's a 15-hour time difference between us, for us it was only February 28th and for him it was already March 1st.  So, we were on both days at the same time!!!  It was perfect!  Happy Birthday, Fernando! 

Also, we had Amy spending the night with us for two nights over the weekend.  She was attending a Robotics meet at the convention center downtown.  It was really nice having her here - we enjoyed dinner Friday evening at Viola's Ventanas and then dinner again the following evening at Demo's Greek restaurant with Linda and Jacob!