Sunday, June 29, 2014

Our Sunday

We were quite busy today.  We drove to the opposite side of town to go to a really nice store called AJs.  After looking around in the store a little bit, we went outside to eat in their little restaurant.  Even though it was a hot day, it was very pleasant sitting outside.  Scotty loved being out there, watching all the people and the cars go by.

Then we to a little toy store in the same shopping strip and bought Scotty a little drum and a puppet.  From there we went to Babies R US to get Scotty some more food and a high chair.  Here he is trying it for the very first time.
He really wasn't that excited about his new chair, preferring what he had been using for several weeks -his little chair.

And he also got in a little pool time today, too!

And he just LOVES to do this when he's in his car seat, getting ready to be put in the car.

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Another weekend is here! Yay!

Guess I didn't take ONE picture today.  Not sure how that happened.  But we did a lot of running around again so that's probably why.

We pretty much stayed at home until lunch time when Rebeca, Jason, Scotty and I went to Chili's.  Scotty slept at our table until the waitress was pretty loud with her voice in asking if we were ready to order.  But Scotty did well throughout our lunch.  He is such a good boy.  Of course it probably helped that there were big TVs all around in his line of vision showing the World Cup shoot-out between Brazil and Chili.  He seems to like sports on TV or it could be that he just likes screen time.

After Chili's, Jason went back home and Rebeca and I went to Barnes and Noble which was just across the parking lot.  Oh my goodness, did Scotty LOVE being in Barnes and Noble.  We've noticed at home that he just loves books, just loves to be read to.  Well, he must have felt like he was in seventh heaven in that place that was just FILLED all OVER the place with all these books no matter what direction he looked!!!!  He'd see a table of books and just squeal with delight, like he just wanted to roll around on that table of books.  Then I could hear him as Rebeca carried him around, just squealing with delight at this little piece of heaven he found himself in.  It was so funny and so cute.  Scotty says, "you can forget playgrounds, you can forget toy stores, just take me to a book store and I will be just as happy as can be!!!'.

From Barnes and Noble, we drove to three possible places that Rebeca and Jason and Scotty will have some family portraits taken (Scotty fell asleep on that drive).  So, we drove to the Tanque Verde Ranch, to La Mariposa Ranch and then to Agua Caliente park.  Scotty slept the entire time.  We didn't stop at any of those places (except for the short jaunt out of the car that Rebeca took at Tanque Verde Ranch to check out the Cottonwood area), she just wanted to see which place held the most promise for some good family portrait backgrounds.

Then it was back home to just relax......

Thursday and Friday

Yesterday, when I took Scotty for a short walk in his stroller, the weather was almost perfect.  Clouds had come in so there was no hot sun beating down or to shield Scotty from.  It was wonderful.  There was a nice breeze and as we were out, we got to see both Jason and Rebeca arrive home for the day!  Today, Rebeca and I took Scotty out for a walk in the evening.  But this time, he wasn't in his infant car seat.  He was seated like a big boy!!!  My goodness, he turns 6 months old and things change!
He loves being in his stroller like this because he can see everything without having to strain his body up to look out of his car seat.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday

These are pictures from Monday.

We're just so proud of how well he can sit up now.  He still needs watching and can fall over at the drop of a hat, but for the most part he does so well and seems to prefer playing now in a sitting position.

These are from Tuesday

And these are from Wednesday

Here we are outside in the afternoon.  We use the ceiling fan, a little portable fan and Scotty wears a "Royal Wet Cloth" which sometimes keeps him nice and cool.  I say sometimes because a lot of the time he likes to take it and just chew on it!

Sunday, June 22, 2014


 Scotty in his crawl around car.

Saturday, June 21, 2014


Rebeca and Scotty having fun today!

And a few pictures.  We had fun today shopping at Babies R Us and at Costco.

Rebeca and I braved it and took Scotty with us to dinner at a restaurant close to her house.  Everything went well until shortly after we got our food.  Eventually we just asked the server for boxes so we could take everything home to just finish our meal there.

And these pictures are documenting the possible last bath in the kitchen sink.

Friday, June 20, 2014


The only picture from this day!

We were outside with Scotty in his pool and this picture was taken when he got out.  He can only go in his pool now on the weekends because with Guillermo gone, it's too difficult for me to set up the pool and get Scotty ready for it and in it all by myself.  

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Thursday AND Wednesday

So today is the last day, this week anyway, that Rebeca has to work later than normal.  So, I take that back. She has to go in EARLIER tomorrow and will be home later than usual for a Friday, since she has to go to Phoenix.  Oh well.

I guess Wednesday, the 18th, can be known as funny face day.  Or just trying to trip Nana up so she doesn't get any syrupy sweet pictures!  ;-0

These pictures below are from June 19th.  
They show how we spend a lot of time each day.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Abuelito left today

Baby Boy had to say goodbye to Abuelito today.  We are SURE going to miss him!!!  But he'll be back in 22 days, so we look forward to that.
Back at home, Guillermo said the grass in the yard was very tall and that the neighbors who were taking care of our plants didn't seem to take many vegetables from the garden.  Even though we encouraged them to take all they wanted!  So, that meant that there were many vegetables that were too big and too overgrown.  So, he had his work cut out for him when he got back home!

Anyway, Scotty and I did fine today.  Although I missed Guillermo being around so that he could also hold and do things with Scotty.  And Scotty missed Abuelito being around because he loved how he played with him and loved hearing all that Spanish!

Anyway, here are pictures from today.

Our blanket time outside

Then playing inside after second nap

Here he's trying to grab my ipad while I'm taking his picture!

It was a slightly longer day than usual since Rebeca has to work a little later each day this week.  Jason came home around 7pm and we sat outside with Scotty for a little while.

Where'd you go, Abuelito, and when are you coming back?  That's what Scotty wants to know.