We went to Tucson towards the end of March and stayed through Easter Sunday. We got to take care of Scotty for a full week since his school was closed for Spring Break. As a four year old, he is quite high energy and so much fun! We were tired most of the time, especially at the beginning due to the 2-hour time change and I was recovering from a cold and Guillermo was right in the middle of one. It always seems to take us a good 4 days to get used to the different time.
So excited about his new toy.
Our first weekend there, we visited a miniature train museum. Wow, what an interesting and fun place. All the little scenes inside and outside were so fascinating. And it was so much fun for kids because many of the tables had buttons that could be pushed to make certain vehicles or items move.
We did a lot of lifting Scotty up to see the train tables until we realized that there are little stools that kids can take around with them to stand higher.
Pushing a button. This one might have been making a windmill spin, but can't see it.
Then we took a little train ride around the property.
Sitting in the upper observation booth of a real caboose.
His first day off from school we spent taking his bed apart. He's going to be getting a new bed!
Rebeca picked this shirt for him and he obviously loves pockets. Hope this pocket makes it! It was constantly getting stuffed with things.
Our little playdough creation.
On Tuesday we had lunch with Irene. He said he loves this bench and wishes he had one like it. It is in front of Irene's house.
On Wednesday, Guillermo went to visit Roy and I took Scotty to the Children's Museum. We spent over 3 hours there and had a great time.
Turns out there was another boy named Scotty there at the museum, and they eventually played together on the lighted sea floor. It was funny watching them try to "catch" the fish and octopus images together. They both answered whenever one of us said their name.
Every year we take a picture of him sitting in the driver's seat of the Fire Truck in the museum.
After lunch, the museum had a special "Under the Sea" themed activity. Here Scotty is decorating a paper lantern - or a puffer fish.
In the background, you can see a pink swimming pool. That might have been the highlight of the whole day. There was water in it, and little rubber ducks swimming around in it. But that wasn't what was special. When the activity was all over, all the kids helped take the rubber ducks out and put them away. Then two of the staff members lifted up the pool while another staff held open that side door. They barely made it out of the door. Water started spilling out onto the floor of the museum and when they finally got most of the pool outside, they emptied the rest of the water down the ramp. Scotty was just fascinated. He loved seeing all that water go down the ramp. It was like a slow motion wall of water. I have to admit, it did look pretty neat and must have been amazing to a kid to see all that water flowing by.
Octopus hat!
On Thursday, I took Scotty to his neighborhood playground.