Friday, November 16, 2018

A November Tucson visit

First of all, talking about Halloween.  We spent Halloween at home for the first time in who knows how long.   We usually leave as it starts to get dark and go have a nice dinner somewhere until we're sure there will be no more trick-or-treaters.  We have done that probably since 1998 but not sure.  With Leo at our house now, we wanted to be there to see him off for trick-or-treating and then we stayed on our front porch and passed out candy.   We had a good time, the weather was fantastic and Leo, Eva and Fernando enjoyed taking Leo out trick-or-treating.
Fernando carved a pretty scary looking pumpkin!

The very next day, we drove to Tucson.  We spent the first night of our drive in Mesilla, NM as usual.  We got to Rebeca's house Friday afternoon, unpacked our stuff and then headed to Scotty's school to pick him up.  He was so happy to see us as we were to see him!  We ate at Sweet Tomatoes that evening - Scotty's favorite restaurant.

The next day, Rebeca left early for Utah.  She has work to do there with her job.  Guillermo left to help Roy about getting a truck.  Scotty and I went to the Children's museum.  We spent over three hours there.  It's amazing what different things interest him each time we go.  Last time we went, he was definitely into role-playing.  This time, he spent a lot of time in the art room creating.  That was a lot of fun.

So we took care of Scotty Saturday, Sunday and Rebeca came home late Monday night.  On Monday we had breakfast with Scotty at Ihop and then took him to get his hair cut.
 Scotty went to school during the day on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday and then he spent Friday with us at the zoo.

 What fun he had using the chart to identify the birds in the aviary!

We just had to get a picture on this bench because it says, "Nana's Bench".

On Saturday, we went to a construction yard to buy sand, went to Costco and then enjoyed a relaxing evening at home.  Guillermo and I left early Sunday to head back home.  We drove as far as Fort Stockton.  In Fort Stockton, we got out of the nice balmy weather we had been enjoying in Tucson.  By the time we got back to San Antonio, it was pretty cold!!!!