Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Latest trip to Tucson and Fernando and family off to Sweden

Today Fernando, Eva and Leo left for Sweden.  We drove them up to Austin where their flight was going to leave from.  They will return in mid-August!

Going back to the month of June, Guillermo and I left for Tucson on June 28th.  It's a long drive over there but it's kind of a nice drive.  We've been doing it so frequently now so, as we drive along, it's nice to see the changes to the landscapes during the different months we go.  As usual, we stop in Mesilla, New Mexico for the first night.  We used to do the trip in one day, but we find it's just more leisurely to break the trip up this way.
It's been a nice tradition on our trips to Tucson to stop in Benson to have lunch with Roy.

It was perfect weather to enjoy Rebeca's pool.

Scotty with one of his magna-tiles creations.

 He can still fit in this little bin! (but barely)

Enjoying water play at the Children's Museum

Snack time at the museum!

He's loved getting on this police motorcycle since he was about one year old!

With his Lego creation he made at Lego Time at the local library

We had so much fun at the Marriott Starr Pass Resort one weekend.

 They have a lazy river there on the grounds!

The view from the patio

 Enjoying dinner on the patio

The next morning Guillermo and I walked on a trail a little.  It was already hot at around 8:30 so we didn't go far.  But we were excited to see several Mule Deer!

Guillermo and Scotty playing tic-tac-toe at El Charro after leaving Starr Pass. 

Scotty loved creating scenes with dinosaurs and playdough.

We went back to the library another day and saw they had put the Lego creation he had made on display!

One of our big goals this trip was to get Scotty into swimming classes.  Here he is on his first day of class.

And here he is on his third class!  The instructor said he is a fast learner!

Scenes from the drive back home.  We are looking out over Las Cruces from a rest area.

Nice roadrunner at the rest area.

We got back home on July 14, and on July 16 we drove Fernando and family up to Austin for their flight to Sweden.  It's now July 17th and they are spending the night in Stockholm.  The hardest part is over for them and tomorrow comes the fun part spending time with family.  They'll be there a whole month.  Our house sure feels empty and quiet...