Thursday, October 22, 2020

The finished deck


Deck was finished last week.  We are happy with the results and are glad that's done.  It'll take a little while for us to "get over it", and by that I mean, not freaking out when dirty shoes walk on it or seeing fallen leaves or debris on that nice new paint job.

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

School with Leo

 We had Leo for online school 3 days in a row - with a weekend in between.  We had him Thursday and Friday, and then Monday.  Saturday Fernando and Eva came for dinner to bring Leo home and Sunday we went to their house for dinner to bring Leo back for school on Monday.  If I had my way, I'd do online school with Leo every single day.  To me, it's a privilege to be able to "sit in" on his class and watch the interactions and the learning going on.  

Here he is doing homework on the ipad.

I always like to take a picture of any letter or number that he writes particularly well.

PE time!

There's supposed to be a video here of Leo doing his PE stuff, but blogger has made it so much more difficult to upload videos.  Actually, they've made it impossible.  I need to get my HTML books out and load it that way, which I have done before.  Who knows when I'll get around to doing that, though.  Hopefully they haven't also messed with people trying to do their own HTML.

Thursday, October 8, 2020

Painting the deck

 It has to be done periodically to keep it looking nice.  The railings have been done on one half of the deck.  The worst part about painting the deck is doing all those little rails.  That's tedious.

We did the floor this evening (picture tomorrow) and tomorrow we'll work on the other half.

Guillermo and I also went today to the Elections Office to deliver our mail in ballot in person.  We are glad we have voted already.