Sunday, November 9, 2008

Really nice weekend

This is such a beautiful time of year. The trees are starting to turn colors and lose their leaves. The air is cooler and the days are just so pretty! Looking towards our Ash tree this afternoon, it was lovely watching the wind blow through the branches, causing the leaves to fall. It made it appear as if it was raining leaves! Fall is a beautiful season!

Bougainvillas seem to love this weather.

When the leaves start falling, our driveway gets covered with a beautiful blanket of brown and yellow. It hasn't gotten cold enough to make all the leaves fall, yet, but the driveway is starting to disappear.

Of course, with all these leaves falling, quite a few manage to end up in our gutters. Guillermo decided to go up on the roof today, since they are forecasting rain in our area the next two days. Here's hoping they're right.

Dumping the leaves out.

Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower. ~Albert Camus

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