Sunday, February 8, 2009

Working in PE and Visiting the zoo

Friday was the first time I ever substituted for an employee who works in a school gym.   I had done PE once before (long time ago) for an entire summer, so I figured it couldn't be that bad.  And since this assignment was at my former school, of course I knew the coach well, and that was another plus.

I don't believe I have EVER come home more tired from any working assignment. Aside from a 30-minute break for lunch, pretty much the whole day was spent standing or walking. Not that I didn't enjoy it. I DID! It was fun working with Doug and the majority of the kids were a pleasure to work with. Of course, there are those 4th and 5th graders who never want to do ANYTHING, because they are too busy doing better things, like talking with their friends but that's how it always is. I did not exercise with the kids but walked around with them when they had to walk, so it was an easy day to get steps in. Everyone in the office looked at me expectantly after school, waiting to hear if I would do it again and I told them emphatically that I would. It was tiring, but it was a good day.

Saturday we met Mom, Linda, Jacob and Martina at the zoo, so it was another day of a lot of walking. The weather was just perfect for visiting the zoo. Cloudy, breezy and cool, so the animals were out and very active. Usually when we go to the zoo, it's quite hot, so it was a refreshing change to be there in such nice weather and to see the animals actually moving around.

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