So, I left the camera behind.
After lunch at Schilo's, we decided to take a little walk in the shady section of the riverwalk to Starbucks. Along the way, I pointed out to Mom and Guillermo the little shop where Martina loved to get a cookie, and the shop where she had fun looking for Western things. And right after that, we saw a most amazing thing on the banks of the riverwalk. A Yellow-Crowned Night Heron. Right there, not more than 6 feet from us! It was just enjoying life there on the river, with all the people walking right by it. It became a little more vigilant when it noticed that some people (us) had actually stopped and weren't moving on. We stood there for several minutes in awe of being so close to this beautiful bird. And oh how sorry I was that I had left the camera in the car. We couldn't have ASKED for a better opportunity to get some really good pictures. It just stood there, staring just as hard at us, as we were staring at it. Finally, we walked on, thinking how nice it was to have been able to see that heron so close up, and what a shame it was that we didn't have the camera with us.
The first picture shows Guillermo right after he moved the Bleeding Heart plant into the front yard and then a couple of pictures of the Bleeding Heart plant itself.
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