Thursday, October 15, 2009

We are in Texas!

October 14th
Yesterday, it was unbelievable.  We went from 37 degrees in the morning in York, Nebraska to 83 degrees as we approached the Texas border!  By the time we got to the first rest area in Texas, we were burning up in our clothes.  We quickly shed all the unnecessary stuff while at that rest area!

We got to Greenville around 6:30pm, and we headed first to John and Elaine's church, where they were having Handbell practice.  We watched them until the practice was over and then we all went out to eat at Chili's. Amy joined us, too, and we had a very nice evening together.  It was a humid, foggy evening and it was great to be back in Texas!

October 15th
So, today, we walked around outside with John and Elaine, then had a quick breakfast before John had to go back in to work for a meeting. After he left, we all got into Elaine's car and we drove to Walmart to get a few things for Kyrielle and Adelae, as we would be seeing them later on that day. After shopping at Walmart, Elaine drove us around some areas of Greenville where there are some beautiful homes. We were impressed at how much Greenville has grown!! Back at her place, we packed up the car, yet again, and took off for Killeen around 10:30am. For some unknown reason, we were of the opinion that John's house was on the north side of the freeway, and that we would have to make a right onto the freeway to start heading west again. So there we were, traveling along the highway for a good twenty miles or so, when Guillermo sees a sign that said how many miles it was to some town in Louisiana. That made him look at the direction indicator on our mirror and that is when he realized that we were traveling east - in the complete opposite direction of where we needed to be going. We got off at the next exit, and then kept driving and driving, never coming upon a way to get back on the highway in the opposite direction. That's when we realized that the feeder road was two way anyway, so we turned around and got ourselves going in the right direction a short time later. Whew!!

When we got to West, Texas, we exited the freeway, and stopped to buy some Kolaches. We bought a dozen, thinking we'd give half to Anthony and Sarah. We called Anthony shortly before we got to Temple and he gave us the directions on how to get to his place. The directions seemed complicated, but as we drove them, we saw how everything fit right into place. We got to their home around 3:30pm and finally got to see, IN PERSON, the people we had been communicating with over the computer. A little while after we got there, Kyrielle woke up and it was so nice getting to be with her for a little while. She is so precious. She took to Guillermo right away, and brought him several of her toys for them to play with together. Adelae woke up, too, and it was fun holding her!! We enjoyed sitting all together in their living room, talking and looking at pictures and time flew quite fast!
While we were at their house, we got a call from Calgary, from the people who own the condo we had stayed in, asking us if we had left any clothes in the dryer. They said the next tenants had found a bunch of clothes in the dryer when they checked in. So, we called Fernando and asked him to check into that for us. (Turns out it WAS our clothes!)
Anyway, at around 4:30 or 5, we decided to go to Outback for dinner. We had a nice leisurely dinner there, getting to know Anthony and Sarah and Kyrielle and we didn't leave Killeen until 7pm. Kyrielle cried as we were leaving. I tell you, she is just precious!!

We got to San Antonio at 9:30pm. It was good to be home, and we now have so many more beautiful memories!!

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