Sunday, December 19, 2010

New lights

Yesterday, when I went to plug in the Christmas lights on our "sticks", I saw that one of the prongs had come out of the plug (when I unplugged them yesterday) and was still stuck in the powerstrip!!  So, no Christmas lights on the reeds yesterday.

Today we walked into town for a few groceries and to pick up more Christmas lights.  It was HOT today - when we got to the steep hill by our house, the sun was shining down full force!!  But no matter, we have new Christmas lights!!!  The new setup now is much better than it was and now there are more lights on the reeds than before.  And different lights on the desk.  Hmmm, this should have happened a long time ago!!  :-)

I wish the picture could be less blurry.....

I like these new lights much better!

Here are a few pictures we took this afternoon, when we took a walk:
Standing by some coffee plants

An interesting little section along the walk.

It doesn't look that bad here, but this is that steep hill JUST before we get to our house.  You can see the top of the house peeking out from the top of the hill.

Tons of banana plants close to the house.

Now some pictures of the birds that have been coming to the feeder that Guillermo puts out every morning.

Yellow-throated Euphonia

Female Red-legged Honey Creeper

 Flame Colored Tanager

 Rufous Collared Sparrow

This is the feeder that Guillermo sets up every morning on some stones.  On the tray are Palm Tanager, Blue-Gray Tanagers, Yellow-Throated Euphonia, Silver-Throated Tanager.  Bottom left is a Honey Creeper, and we're not sure what the one in the upper left is.

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