Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Guillermo's gardening again

Yesterday Guillermo spent practically all day digging up a little plot in the backyard here to plant a few things.  It was rough because the ground had never been dug and he didn't have his favorite tool with which to dig it up.  But working from morning until late afternoon he got the area dug up.  He even was able to plant a few seeds!  After he took care of setting up his garden, he got the mower out and we both mowed the front and the back a little bit.  Looks nicer around here now.

So, this is the house we're living in for the summer

Fernando, this is where your car is temporarily.  It will be moved this week sometime, switched with the car that is next to it.

Today, Guillermo is suffering from all the digging he did yesterday - not bad, but he IS feeling all that work he did yesterday.  Pictures of his garden coming soon.....

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