We were SUPPOSED to go eat breakfast at a little bakery near Andrew's house but we got up too late. That is, Guillermo and I got up too late - Andrew was already up waiting for us. Oh well, as it turns out, when we headed to the airport to change our car rental reservation, we passed by the bakery and it was closed. Anyway, after changing our reservation at the car rental place, we drove to the downtown area so that Andrew could go to the DMV to get a parking permit so he can park legally close to his house. We found a parking space close to the DMV but it looked very iffy about being a place to park without getting a ticket. We told him to go ahead and run inside and we'd move the car if a cop came. We sat there nervously while he was gone but he came back not too long after saying that it's pure chaos inside the office because the machine that dispenses numbers for your turn was broken. And with no one really knowing who was next, it was just a mess. So, we sat there a while and debated the whole thing and after a while Andrew decided to park in a grocery store parking garage where we would have to pay, (but at least we knew we wouldn't get a ticket) and go back and give the DMV place another chance. We walked with him over to the DMV and we were so pleasantly surprised to see the machine that dispenses numbers was now working. His number came very quickly and before we knew it, we were out of there with a legal parking sticker (for his neighborhood) in his hand! Success!
After checking out a nearby bookstore for maps we walked to this nice fountain area that had Tingley sculptures.
Then we drove over to Germany where we had lunch at a Turkish restaurant and then went to a store to buy a few items. Afterwards we stopped in a cafe to have coffee. We were enjoying our coffee when I happened to look at my watch and couldn't believe that it was already 5pm! So we rushed out of there and headed home so that we could be there when Martina got there. Once at home, we waited and waited for Martina to arrive and Andrew was just about to call her when either he or Guillermo noticed that it wasn't near 5pm at all, it was more like 3:30. We all felt like we had just received 2 hours free!
When it was REALLY about 5pm, we drove over to pick Martina up from work. Then we all went to pick up a few items from the grocery store and when we got back to the apartment, we were delighted to see there was a parking spot right by the apartment!! Andrew took this picture to document the beauty of such a great parking spot! His car is the black one behind the motorcycle.
For dinner, Andrew fixed lamb biriyani and it was absolutely delicious with Martina's Bowle drink! Mmmmm!!
On Tuesday the 11th, we had a relaxing lazy morning. We went by bus to several electronics stores looking for a GPS system to possibly buy. Then we walked over to a kebab place for lunch - this little restaurant was on a pedestrian street and since the weather was so nice we were able to enjoy our lunch outside. After eating, we slowly walked to the Rhein River where we waited for Martina to show up after getting off work.
This is the statue we were standing next to.
When she arrived we went to a cafe along the river that had outside seating so of course we took a table outside. It was a little cool but with our hot chocolates and coffee, it felt really nice.
From there we walked to Münster Church and walked up the many many little tiny narrow steps of one of the spires. Along the way, we were able to go outside the spire to see the view of the city and walk completely around it to get full views of the city.
Starting to get a good view...
Getting higher...
Later we took the bus back to the apartment to rest up a little bit. At around 6:30, we took another bus back into town because we decided to have dinner out this evening. Here we are walking to the restaurant.
Dinner at Schaeble's
After dinner, we walked back to the MarktPlatz to catch a tram back to the apartment, which let us off several blocks away so we had a nice walk before settling in for the evening.
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