Something is getting the bird seed during the night. The first time, the bird feeder was knocked to the ground and all the seed spilled out. So, that night, Guillermo brought the bird feeder inside. But that next night, something attacked the suet feeder which hadn't been bothered before, and actually took the entire thing off the tree and carried it away!!!
So, the regular bird feeder is taken care of during the nights, and we need to buy a new suet feeder for the woodpeckers. The regular bird feeder is still a problem during the day though, as the squirrels are relentless with it. Guillermo has been fashioning all kinds of things trying to discourage them. But they are quite determined!!!
We bought our tickets today for the trip back to Spain. We leave March 1st.
Also, today I drove into San Antonio to meet with Elrod friends for lunch at Sea Island. I wasn't going to make the drive because it was such lousy weather outside, but after checking the radar and seeing that it wasn't going to be pouring rain, I decided to go ahead and drive in. The drive was a little scary because it was so foggy in places it was hard to see, but I drove real slow and took it easy so it all worked out. I'm glad I decided to go because it was so nice getting together with my friends again.
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