Saturday, September 15, 2012

Summer seems to be over

Today is Saturday and on Thursday, we got some GOOD rain showers around here which were part of a cool front moving through the area.  So, it has cooled off quite a bit, so much so that we have to use a blanket at night now!  That's nice!  Friday was a day without rain but today they are predicting quite a bit more rain.  We sure hope so!   It was weird on Thursday looking out the window as the rain was falling.  Pretty much all our lives when it has rained, we've always been on the ground floor so we are where the rain hits the ground.  It's a much different scene from 3 floors up because we are IN the rain as it falls so it seems to be a lot quieter even though it is raining hard.  The clouds are looking promising out there, so here's hoping we get more hard rains today!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Forgot about this

I forgot to write about something that happened last week that we still can't believe happened.  It was a real case of being in the right place at the right time.
A week ago, last Tuesday, we had just been back in San Antonio for 5 days.  We went to the credit union that day to deposit some money and a check.  Before leaving for the credit union, I don't know why, but I looked in a side pocket of my wallet and was shocked to find some folded-up Euros in there.  We tried to spend and thought we had spent all of our Euros before we left Europe.  It was really a very disappointing find because we felt like that money was going to be lost as usually there is no bank around that will do a foreign money exchange and the airport would probably give us a lousy rate of exchange.  And maybe we'll go back one of these days, and maybe not anytime soon, so yes, we were disappointed to find that decent sum of money that couldn't be used here in the states.
So, anyway, as we were filling out our deposit slip at the credit union, we heard someone already at the teller window asking if he could buy some euros.  Really??  So, we turned around and said, "Euros?  You would like to buy some Euros?  We have Euros we'd like to sell."

What were the chances.  So, the guy gets out of line and we talk a while explaining how we just got back from Europe and he explaining how he is getting ready to leave for Europe.  We both couldn't believe our good luck.  So after we both agreed to a rate, he gets back in line, withdraws money from his account and in the credit union lobby, we exchange currencies.   Then I promptly fill out a deposit slip, get back in line and deposit the cash he gave us.  We walked out of the credit union with him and his wife and we were still quite amazed at what had just happened.

We had done several errands that morning before coming to the credit union, but each one lasted just as long as it needed to to get us to the credit union in time to meet up with those people.  You talk about timing.....

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Pictures of our place - inside only

Such nice weather today!  The cool front from yesterday sure made the weather more bearable.  So glad I cleaned the bedroom windows on Friday because we were able to have the windows open all morning today to enjoy the fresh air.  We started on the windows in the dining room this morning but only cleaned one.  It's a little scary cleaning the dining room windows because we take the screen out to clean it too and if we just happen to drop that screen, it's going down 3 floors!  But we have done one window with no problem, we'll do the other window tomorrow.
The view from our patio

Guillermo enjoying the cool morning air out on the balcony.  He planted several seeds this morning.

Our dining room

Our kitchen

Our living room

We feel quite comfortable here!

Friday, September 7, 2012


Well, today we got the last of the three things that make life a little more enjoyable.  We got our new phone 4 days ago, we got furniture yesterday and today we got internet and TV.  So, we are set here in our apartment for a little while!
I will try to take some pictures tomorrow with our new phone of the place around here.  A cool front is supposed to come in tomorrow morning and it's supposed to be very windy so I'm not sure if it will be a good picture taking day.  So, we'll see.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Almost done

Yesterday was quite a busy day and we really got a lot accomplished.  So today we continued on, getting just a little more out of storage and setting things up a little more in the apartment.  Another extremely hot day  but at least today was a little easier than yesterday.  Tomorrow maybe we can finally get business taken care of with Cable and electricity!  Also, we get our washer and dryer tomorrow!  Yay!!!

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Moving out of the hotel this morning and this afternoon we should be in our apartment.  Gulp.  We'll see how we like living at that apartment complex.  No internet or tv or anything for several days until we get that service.  Oh well, at least there's wireless around the pool and club house of the apartment complex.  Even weirder, though, will be living in the apartment with only an air mattress in the bedroom.  We'll go to storage later and get a few things, but until then, the place will be mostly space.

We went to storage twice today and made many many trips up and down the 3 flights of stairs.  The weather was SO hot, and that sure didn't help at all.  We got the air mattress set up in the evening, so at least we have a place to sleep.

Labor Day is nice and all, but it sure is inconveniencing us this weekend.  We'd like to call Time Warner Cable to get TV and internet in the apartment, but not available.  We'd like to call CPS and get our electricity set up in our name, but not available.  There are other things we would have liked to get accomplished but we just have to wait until Tuesday!

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Trying to find our way home....

It's been a rough three days since we got back from Europe.  On top of being slightly jet-lagged, we have relentlessly scoured the internet and driven from place to place around San Antonio trying to find a place to live for a little while and get out of this hotel we've been in.  Not that the hotel is bad or anything like that, it's quite nice actually, but the nightly rate adds up way too fast.

So, today we actually decided on an apartment complex that, even though it's far from where we had established ourselves before leaving for Europe, it's a nice apartment complex and one we were happy to put our money down on.  So, the downsides to the place are its distance from our old area of town, it's an unfurnished unit (as they all are) and the apartment is on the third floor.  The upsides to the place is that it IS on the third floor in the back of the complex so we have a good view out our windows, it's a nice complex with lots of trees and a park right next door, and it's in an area that has TONS of good stores around.  Of course, that last one means lots of traffic because everyone else likes that, too, but we'll just go to the stores when everyone else is at work or something.

So, we move in tomorrow!  To a mostly empty place, but at least it's our own space and we'll fill it up slowly.