Saturday, September 1, 2012

Trying to find our way home....

It's been a rough three days since we got back from Europe.  On top of being slightly jet-lagged, we have relentlessly scoured the internet and driven from place to place around San Antonio trying to find a place to live for a little while and get out of this hotel we've been in.  Not that the hotel is bad or anything like that, it's quite nice actually, but the nightly rate adds up way too fast.

So, today we actually decided on an apartment complex that, even though it's far from where we had established ourselves before leaving for Europe, it's a nice apartment complex and one we were happy to put our money down on.  So, the downsides to the place are its distance from our old area of town, it's an unfurnished unit (as they all are) and the apartment is on the third floor.  The upsides to the place is that it IS on the third floor in the back of the complex so we have a good view out our windows, it's a nice complex with lots of trees and a park right next door, and it's in an area that has TONS of good stores around.  Of course, that last one means lots of traffic because everyone else likes that, too, but we'll just go to the stores when everyone else is at work or something.

So, we move in tomorrow!  To a mostly empty place, but at least it's our own space and we'll fill it up slowly.

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