Thursday, March 14, 2013

Such nice weather

The first part of this Spring Break was a little cold but this last part is simply perfect.  The days are in the high seventies and the nights are in the high fifties.  For sure it's going to get cold again, maybe we'll even have a freeze.  But anyway, I cleaned off all my winter boots today and put them away.  When a cold snap sneaks in here again, it's only going to last for a few days and then it will be warm up very fast so it's time to start putting the real winter stuff away.

Guillermo has been working on the side yard..  He made this LONG planter in about 2 days and we picked up some plants from the store and I planted them in there today.  We think it looks SO much better on the side now than it used to and when those plants get bigger, it will look even better.  Doesn't it look nice?

Every day we turn on this little fountain that some friends gave us.  The sound of the water is really nice.

Not the greatest of pictures because of the heavy shadows but here is one of Guillermo's raised bed gardens.  He has really not been that happy with the dirt that was delivered to us.  It SEEMS like it's good dirt, but when it is wet, it seems kind of clay-like.

In the back of this picture there is a little fencing up which is our compost pile - with all the compost stuff on the outside and to the right of where it should be.  Guillermo took every last leaf out of the compost pile in the hopes that he would uncover his ring.  Still nothing.  He returned the metal detector to the neighbor today.  A copper band it will have to be.

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