Wow, we have been having dream weather around here for the past 4 days. We've gotten rain every one of those days and the weather has cooled off relatively speaking. It has been so nice to wake up each morning to see that it has rained and to know that we don't have to go out and spend time in hot humid weather watering plants that usually don't look like they appreciate it. The water they are getting now, though, the plants like better anyway so we, and they, appreciate this rain immensely. Right now, as I'm writing this, it is almost 10:30am and we've already had two good rain showers. Yet it has gotten very dark again so there probably is another rain shower about to hit. Yay!!!
(Yep, had to leave here for a minute to go close windows because it started coming down again!)
We think the stronghold that summer had on us has finally been broken!
And Fernando, we are getting this rain without the benefit of a hurricane....... ;-)
I can still say I'm in my 50s!!!
On a more somber note, I remember exactly what I was doing 12 years ago today. September 11, 2001, I had taken off from work to go get a mammogram. Since I didn't have to go in to work, I got up a little later than usual that morning. While getting ready to go to my appointment, Guillermo called and asked if I had seen the news. He said a plane crashed into the World Trade Center in New York. I said I hadn't had the TV on or anything but after we hung up, I turned on the TV to see what the crash looked like. I didn't think a thing of it, other than to think how weird that a pilot would be so off course (or so out of it) as to crash into a tall building like that. As I was watching the coverage, all of a sudden the cameras zeroed in on what looked like ANOTHER plane heading straight for the other tower. The announcers got slightly hysterical and at that point, I started thinking that this was more than just some crazy pilot error. As I saw the plane hit the tower, I was absolutely floored. I just kept thinking of all the people in both those planes who HAD to know what they were in for right there at the end. Also, all the people who were in the buildings ABOVE the point where both planes hit. It was all too horrifying to even contemplate. Then shortly after that was the breaking news of the crash of another plane at the Pentagon. It was THEN that I started feeling scared. It was then that I knew we were under attack. Then hearing, while I was waiting at the medical center for my appointment, that another plane had gone down in Pennsylvania made me feel just a little more than scared but also quite worried because it was starting to be, "where are they going to strike next???" When I was finally called to the back, I have to say it was the worst mammogram I have ever gone through.
Then, knowing that Fernando was in Hawaii, and was supposed to be flying OUT of Kauai on September 12 was very worrisome. With all the planes being grounded for several days though, he wasn't going anywhere for a little while. So, he was just going to have to "make the best of being stuck on Kauai", until they allowed flights again. If I remember correctly, he was "stuck" there 3 additional nights - which he made the best of by camping on the beach but then later moving to a hotel because he didn't have a tent for protection from the rain.