Sunday, September 22, 2013

Beautiful fall weekend

Friday we had rain practically all day here and by Saturday morning, it was over and in its place was much cooler weather.  I went walking in a park Saturday morning (while Guillermo went to the gym) and the wind was blow ing so nicely in that park that it was like having my own personal fan with me as I walked.  Today, Sunday, is just beautiful.  We had a low of 62 last night, the sky is a deep blue and everything looks so green, fresh and crisp.  Most of our plants have already started rebounding from the intense heat so they are looking so much better.  Tonight the low is supposed to be 57!!!  Shiver..... but the plants will love it!

What a treat we got this evening!  There is a pair of Great Horned Owls that hangs around this area and today, while we were out on the deck enjoying the cool evening, one of the owls flies onto the top of a tree in the field behind our house.  We watched bob up and down as it did its call and we heard the other owl calling back to it.  Then, the first owl flew on but we couldn't see where it flew to but could still hear the two calling to each other.  Next thing we knew, the second owl flew to the top of the same tree the first owl had been in and then much to our delight we saw the first owl come back and JOIN the second owl in the top of the tree.  We were so excited to watch the two of them call together for about a minute or two before one of them flew off.  I wanted to take a picture while they were together but didn't want to miss a minute of seeing them, knowing how fleeting they can be.  Anyway, after they were both gone from the top of that tree, we could still hear them well so I went in to get my phone and made this recording.  Not sure why it sounds like the recording is made next to a fast running stream - there is no stream around here.

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