We sure had a nice little get-together at Mom's house yesterday evening for Christmas Eve. We had sandwiches by candlelight like we used to do back in the day.
Ahh, but it's just easier to see with the lights on!
Then on to opening presents!
We got to Facetime with Rebeca while we were all together so in a sense Rebeca and Scotty were there with us. Rebeca and Scotty got to see some family and meet little Flynn and the family here got to see Rebeca and meet little Scotty - if only through an ipad screen. But still, it was nice.
We were just thinking today, on Christmas Day, how we haven't had a "normal" Christmas since 2009!! Oh, we've had several beautiful and outstanding Christmases since then for sure. But a "normal" Christmas - where we are and have been in our home so that we can buy a tree, get out all of our decorations to decorate everything and have family over for a Christmas Eve or Day meal - we haven't done that since 2009. 2009 was the last Christmas we spent in our house on El Verde Rd.
For Christmas 2010 we didn't have a home anymore and were living in Boquete, Panama. It was our first different Christmas. We bought a few strands of lights, a few decorations, and our Christmas tree was fashioned out of some reeds in a vase. We were very fortunate, though, to have Fernando and Eva arrive a couple of days after Christmas which helped tremendously in making us feel like it was truly Christmas.
For Christmas 2011, we were in Risvattnet, Sweden! Now that also was a very special Christmas. To be able to experience a Swedish Christmas with Eva and her family was priceless. There was a real Christmas tree, lots of Christmas lights and decorations, lots of family and a bonus - we were with both Fernando and Eva! Plus there was snow outside! It doesn't get much better than that!
For Christmas 2012, we were back in San Antonio but there was a lot going on. Mom was in a rehabilitation center recovering from her hospital stay in November of that year. And we had JUST moved into a new house on about December 15th before we had lots of family come stay with us a few days later. So between almost daily visits to Mom and trying to get our house set up before everyone arrived, it was amazing that we found time to buy a very nice tree and get a few decorations set up. But that also was a very nice Christmas because of all the family with us AND best of all, we had Rebeca, Jason, Fernando AND Eva with us! That was better than winning any lottery.
For Christmas 2013, we didn't buy a tree or put up many decorations because we knew a little grandbaby was going to be born some time in December, possibly around Christmas and that we'd be leaving our house as soon as we got that news. On December 23rd we got that joyous news and promptly left for almost 2 weeks. So, there was no sense in decorating much that year! The best Christmas present we have ever in our life received was being able to hold our little grandson a few hours after he was born. So, this Christmas was a very very special Christmas.
For Christmas 2014, we had been in Europe for several months and got back to our home in San Antonio on December 16th. So close to Christmas. Then, knowing we'd be heading to Jason and Rebeca's house on January 6th made us feel like there really was no point in getting all our boxes of decorations out or even buying a tree for such a short amount of time. With Rebeca, Jason and now one year old Scotty, we'll celebrate the Three Kings Day instead.
Our Christmases may not have been normal lately, but they have been very very nice just the same.