Saturday, November 29, 2014

Important announcement!

I almost posted this announcement on the day we were actually told but thought we better wait a little while.

Anyway, on October 18, Fernando sent us a chat asking if we were busy, that he had a question to ask.  So, we said sure,  He said he'd call us on Skype - another "trigger" that should have let us know something was up because he could have just continued chatting as we were doing.

So, we all get on Skype and he proceeded to tell us that we are going to be grandparents again!!!   He and Eva are expecting a baby in May!!!  Oh my goodness.  It was totally a shock - we truly honestly and seriously thought he was going to ask us maybe a grammar question or something about the car or a job application or something.  But to announce he and Eva are going to have a baby was something that sent us into a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions.  The happiness we felt was so unreal and we are so happy for them.    That was definitely an exciting moment.

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