Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Guillermo's turn

To set off the security alarm.  The first thing he usually does every morning is turn off the alarm before getting the newspaper.  But this morning - he just opens the door first thing!  There goes the alarm.  So, we're scrambling to get on the phone as fast as possible to let the alarm company know it was our mistake. Ha- ha.  No harm done but it makes us cringe.  I did the same thing about a year ago.

My Mother's Day flowers are looking prettier than ever!

Jason sent us this picture yesterday.

And this picture today

So, today is Wednesday, and I forgot to mention that on Monday, the little napper that Scotty uses BROKE!!  I don't think Scotty was in it, but it's not good news because that little napper was Scotty's favorite place in which to sit around or to nap or whatever.  He had grown to feel very comfortable in it and since it was so portable, Rebeca and Jason (and even I when I was there) used it a LOT!!!  All day long!!  Jason went out that very evening to buy another napper but the store was sold out.  So, the picture above shows what Scotty has to use now.  It's a swing and it's not the same - it's definitely not as portable and small as the napper and not as comfy since the little napper had lots of mesh for good air circulation.  But for now, it will have to do.  This was the napper I'm talking about.  At least he got a good 4 months use out of it.

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