Tuesday, August 26, 2014

On their way to Calgary

Monday, August 25th, Fernando and Eva left for Calgary.  They are going to Calgary because Fernando will be teaching 3 primate courses at the University of Calgary this fall!  So, first order of business was to get up there and find an apartment to live in.  After getting settled in to the apartment, Eva will fly back to Japan at the beginning of September and then will come back to Calgary in mid November.   They are hoping that Eva will be teaching a few courses at the University in the Spring.

So, to start of this Monday, Guillermo and I checked out of the hotel very early so that we could pick up a few things from the store and then get to Rebeca's house before she left for work.  We got to Rebeca's house around 7:20 with a few things from Starbucks for breakfast.  Rebeca left for work shortly after that.  Then it was time for Fernando and Eva to pack up the last of their stuff in the car and then they too were off.  Then Jason left.

So it was just Guillermo and I with Scotty and we were so happy to be able to take care of him again.  First thing in the morning, we took Scotty for a walk and we saw a coyote cross the road right in front of us! We also saw lots of quail!
A picture of Scotty being read to-

and a video of Scotty being read to-

We mowed the lawns in the back yard.

Scotty was so good in his little outdoor pac n play.  He watched us working while rolling around in there.  Here he's watching his abuelito use the weed eater.

We took two walks in the evening - one at 5pm and another at 6pm.  We pointed out a rainbow to him on one of those walks, but we aren't sure if he could really see it.

Tuesday, August 26th, was our last full day to take care of Scotty and what a day it was!!!   In the morning, we went to Ace Hardware to buy things to hang up Scotty's swing with.  Then we stopped by Safeway.  Pretty soon it was time for his nap.  We had just gotten him to sleep when Rebeca called saying that the doctor would see Scotty that day for the red spots that he has on his arm and chest.  So, we had to put him in his car seat about 30 minutes later to take him to the doctor, but he stayed asleep in the car.  That was quite an interesting experience, to go to the doctor with a baby - as grandparents!  We were so glad to be able to do that.   After the appointment, since we were already out, we stopped by Costco to get gas and pick up some pictures there that Rebeca had ordered.
When we got home, and after having lunch, it was pool time!!!  We moved fast with that because it looked like there was rain in the distance.  But Scotty did get to enjoy being in the pool for as long as he wanted before the skies turned cloudy.  Also today was the first time I saw Scotty go from lying on his tummy to a sitting position!  How exciting that was!  When he sat all the way up, I clapped my hands and said, "Yay, look at you sitting up!!", which actually startled him but then he got this big smile on his face and seemed so happy with himself.

We also set up Scotty's little car swing and put him in it, but he didn't like it.  We quickly realized that was because he seemed to "loose" in there.  So then we held his shoulders while swinging, and that way he felt a whole lot more comfortable and was able to enjoy his swing.

In the evening, Jason brought home taco salads from the little fast food place called La Salsa.  Oh how delicious they were!

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