Saturday, March 5, 2016

February Tucson visit

What a nice time we had in Tucson.  It was hard to believe how big Scotty is now.  We remembered so fondly being with him last year at this exact same time - when he couldn't talk yet and was just learning how to walk.  A year makes a HUGE difference.
Here we are eating at one of his favorite restaurants where he just LOVES the macaroni and cheese and then enjoying tapioca pudding with jello.

Some things are still the same - Scotty still loves playing with playdough.  Although this time he could help me make it!  Here he is showing how his two fingers turned blue from the food coloring.

Nice warm playdough.

Getting his playdough supplies out.

On Tuesday we took advantage of the nice weather and went to the zoo.  Tia Abuela Irene joined us and we all had a very nice time.  

Going in to the cave is still a favorite of Scotty's

Those fish are BIG in the water inside that cave!

 We watched the little mini loader building this carousel last year - and now this year he got to ride the carousel!  He picked the leopard to sit on.

All the other times we've been to this zoo, the train wasn't running but today it was!  How exciting!  So we took advantage of it and had a most fun, but very windy, ride around the park outside the zoo.  When the train started to take off, Scotty was so happy.  Irene and I loved watching him laugh and laugh while saying, "chug a chug a chug a chug a choo choo choo".  He really did enjoy being on a little train.

Eating at another of his favorite restaurants - Boston Market.  He likes the food there but he also likes the fact that from Boston Market's parking lot, he can see the BIG dinosaur that is by McDonalds next door.

So, we spent a total of 8 and a half days with him this time.  Our shortest trip ever.  But we made the most of our days and are grateful we could at least have those 8 and a half days.  We had planned more outings with him but one of the days the winds were gusting at had to be more than 40mph and the other day we talked ourselves out of driving ALL the way out to the Desert Museum, instead opting to just take it easy at the house.
In this video, towards the end, you can hear how Scotty says "Abuelito".

Playing in the park close to his house.

It was a little harder getting pictures and video of Scotty this time.  Because whenever he'd see the phone or tablet up, he'd immediately walk over to me saying, "let's see (it)".  

A precious memory for me from our visit to Tucson:  
We put St. Patrick's Day cling-ons on the patio window.  Scotty found out that if he took down the Pot 'o Gold cling-on and handed it to me, that I would give him a big hug and a kiss.  So, several times during the day he would take it off the window and bring it to me, wherever I was.  And I would say, "Again?!?!?  Ok, that means I give you a hug and a kiss!"  And I would give him hugs and kisses and then put it back on the window.  Sometimes it would come back off the window right away!  Which was just precious to me, because it meant he is still ok with me giving him hugs and kisses!!

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