Saturday, September 16, 2017

A new look!

Too many cats in the neighborhood using the dirt under the front bedroom as their private bathroom!!  Things kind of got out of control when we were in Tucson, so there was a very obvious smell when we would be on our front porch.  After several evenings of going out there and watering down the dirt (hoping the cats wouldn't want to go in mud) we now have rocks under the front windows.  Hopefully that will deter them.

Guillermo placed the leftover rocks along the path on the side of our house.  This is what it looked like before the rocks.

We tried putting grass around the blocks, but it never really grew and rains always made this area so muddy.

This is what it looks like now!

This will work so much better.  But one thing leads to another - we're going to have to buy a leaf blower for when the oak leaves fall.  When those leaves completely cover this walkway, it'll be much easier to blow them off than to rake them.

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