Well, Friday May 21 was the last day for us to do online school with Leo. It is with much melancholy that I am taking down his school cork board that held important notes, kindergarten sight words, and meeting times on it. Cleaning up his desk from where he would do his online school and straightening up his drawers that held paper, pencils, markers, glue, scissors, etc. I am forever grateful that Fernando and Eva had enough faith in me to get Leo through his school day online and get all his assigned work turned in. Being able to be a part of Leo's school day at least once a week was priceless. I loved watching him interact with his fellow online classmates, loved watching him reply to his teacher when asked a question, loved watching him excitedly do exercises through online PE videos and so much more. We tried to do a school day more or less like a regular school day would've been. Guillermo used an office chair that we called "the school bus". The school bus would show up at the kitchen about 5 minutes before the start of school. I'd hand Leo his lunch box and his homework folder (both of which were usually empty) and tell him goodbye and to have a good day in school. Then while Guillermo "drove" him to the school (back bedroom), I'd make my way quickly over there with my coffee and be there at the door to greet him. I'd tell him "Good Morning, Leo, how are you doing today?" Then I'd have him put his lunch box and homework folder in a certain spot, say goodbye to his abuelito, and then we'd be ready to start the day! Leo learned a LOT this year. I have to hand it to the Boerne Independent School District. They did an EXCELLENT job in handling online school. It was always a dedicated online teacher only to a dedicated group of online students. Not like other local districts where the teacher had in-person students in front of her in a classroom, but also had students on a screen next to her that were also vying for her attention. Leo has three more days of school next week and then he'll be in first grade.
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