Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Grrrrr!!! And fun at Medina Lake

What's been going on lately? Well, quite a bit. Saturday night we received a phone call from the "security" section of our credit union, wanting to verify some charges to Fernando's card. The first thing we thought of was, here we go again, just like when Guillermo and Fernando were in South America - the credit union is freaking out about charges that don't seem "normal". The person calling (further known as The Fool) would not talk to us or give us any information, saying the only person he could discuss the issue with was the card holder.  Guillermo told The Fool that would not be possible as the "card holder" is in places so remote in Africa that it'll be DAYS before they'd be able to talk to him. So, with no information from The Fool, we just figured the charges were taking place in Africa and of course that was fine with us. Telling The Fool that the cardholder is currently in Africa should have tipped off The Fool that things weren't right, but it didn't  Hearing that the card holder is in AFRICA, and seeing on his paperwork right there in front of him that the charges were taking place all over TEXAS, his next move should have been to capture the card. But no, our word is worthless, and in trying to protect Fernando's privacy and security, The Fool actually protected the person using Fernando's number. I say that because charges kept racking up all Saturday night, Sunday and into Monday morning when it finally stopped because we were able to get in to our Credit Union. The credit union informed us where the charges were taking place and we had the card captured at that point. If The Fool had just let us know on that Saturday night, at the very least, WHERE the charges were happening, then we could have taken action and those thieves would have been able to do a lot less. But he wouldn't tell us anything.
We fail to understand how divulging to us "where" the charges were taking place would have compromised Fernando's privacy and security. That had already been breached BIG time.
Needless to say, we are very upset. We are upset that someone thinks they actually have a right to use our money for free and we are also upset with the Credit Union and it's security entity called Falcon. We are going to make sure that both places know, by writing a letter so it's documented, and by talking to the powers that be, that their policies need to be modified to prevent an issue like this from re-occurring. It is actually not only in our best interest, but it is in the credit union's best interest, too.

While all of this was happening on Saturday, (and these people have it figured out to do this kind of stuff starting on a Saturday evening, because then they have that evening, all day Sunday and possibly even Monday morning before they'll be found out), Guillermo and I were at a happy event at Medina Lake. A friend of ours, John F. was celebrating his birthday with family and friends at a wonderful home right on the water's edge. We had a great time, enjoyed spending time with friends and marveled at how beautiful the lake was. With the hills silhouetted by the setting sun, we were just happy to be there enjoying the good company, the delicious food and the amazing scenery. I have included a picture that Angie, John's wife, took of us along the water's edge.

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