Tuesday, July 8, 2008


Yesterday, July 7th, Guillermo and I went to Mom's house to mow her lawn before she returns from Switzerland. We decided to go on Monday, for three reasons: one) she was returning Monday night; two) they were predicting rain for the afternoon on Monday, with more on Tuesday; and three) Fernando usually contacts us on Tuesdays so we wanted to be home for that.
We finished mowing her yard and not more than 15 minutes later it started pouring rain and it rained pretty much the rest of the day. THEN, we get back home after deciding we wouldn't eat out anywhere because of all the rain and there's an email message from Fernando!! On a Monday!! The message had just been sent several minutes earlier, so we quickly got on gmail to see if he was still there. And he was!! So, we were able to chat for at least 5 minutes, and then it was time for him to go. So, that was another instance of perfect timing!!! But the most exciting news of all (and this is where the success comes in) was that he got our two packages that day!!! We were just so glad to know that the packages made it and that he and Eva had some easy things to snack on now.

Today, July 8th, I went to the Post Office to mail another package off to Fernando. The first post office, where I usually go, wanted to charge me DOUBLE what I usually pay for those packages. I walked out and took the package to UPS, where they wanted to charge me an INSANE amount of money to mail it. So, I decided to go to a completely different post office and there I was able to mail it for the regular price.

So, with all these rains, the creek was running a little today. Guillermo excitedly called me out there because he thought he saw the Painted Bunting, and also a blue and white bird that probably was a parakeet. With our binoculars, we were able to see the Painted Bunting, and we were glad about that since we used to see them all the time around here and now we know it's STILL possible to see them. We caught one more glimpse of the blue and white bird, but still aren't sure what it was. There sure was a lot of bird activity back around the running creek, Guillermo said "It's like the Pantanal here today!"

It's about 11pm here and Rebeca just called saying they have a small King snake underneath their entertainment center!!! We will be eager to talk to her tomorrow to find out how it went trying to catch that thing! Hopefully the two dogs are staying away from that excitement.

Guillermo set up the martin house yesterday. Even though it's past time for the Martins, they will see the house and remember it for when they return next year.

Working on the post where the martin house pole will be attached.

This is one of two avocados left on our avocado tree. C'mon, little avocado, hang in there!

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