Friday, January 9, 2009

Feeling kind of sad

We had a big breakfast with Fernando this morning, and then Guillermo and I got ready to go to SAC. I dropped him off there, and went on to Mom's house where I picked up Martina. Then she and I went back to SAC, met Guillermo, and all of us then went to several bookstores so that Martina could buy her books.

We fixed Paella for dinner, listening to Spanish guitar again.
Every now and then it would hit me, while we fixed dinner, that Fernando would be taking off in the morning. I would feel so sad, but then I would remind myself that at least he spent more days here than we originally thought he would. So, that was very nice. I just don't like the idea of him traveling by himself all the way up north, in who knows what kind of weather. We have been following the weather channel, and so far, it doesn't look like there are any major winter storms in his path. :-)
A cold front is supposed to hit in the morning, so he'll have some strong winds to drive against at least in the beginning.

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