Monday, January 5, 2009

Fernando arrives today!

We spent a lot of the morning out, showing Martina San Antonio college, FINALLY finding an adapter for her laptop (so she bought two - one for her phone, also), and picking up Guillermo's truck from the shop where it was getting a small paint job. Now we are getting Fernando's room ready for his arrival. His plane arrives at 6:30pm. I'm sure he's going to be tired - our 6:30pm is actually to him 9:30am of January 6th already.  BUT, we more feel for Eva right now - whereas Fernando will already be home and able to rest comfortably, Eva has a 24 hour layover in Amsterdam, before she can head on to Ghana. I can't even imagine that kind of wait in an airport.
Here's a picture Martina took of us at San Antonio College.

And here's a picture of Martina at SAC.

Fernando is home (for a little while)!!! I didn't even recognize him at the airport. He said he figured as much, since he saw me from the escalators and I looked at him and didn't even do anything. It wasn't until he was close to me that it hit me, "That's Fernando!!!!!" His hair was way longer than we are used to so he looked completely different. How happy we are to be with him again! We're all going out to Cha-Cha's tonight, his choice.  Tomorrow we will celebrate Reyes Magos with Fernando and Martina!! :-)

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