Sunday, March 29, 2009

Practically like a hurricane

Things are starting to green up around here, and flowers are showing up all over the place. When we look out our windows now, it's such a nice surprise to see some color - green leaves, instead of bare brown branches. The color of leaves at this time of year, when they are brand new, is the perfect green color. Now, if only we could get the wind to quit!! The wind around here has been just unbelievable. It is relentless and at times almost feels like we're in a hurricane. We're actually surprised no big branches have snapped off of our trees.

The Lady Banks Rose

It's so big it hangs over our side ditch!

Purple Irises

Red and White Amaryllis

Saturday, March 21, 2009

It's just us again

Rebeca and Jason took off this morning. But before they left, Jason picked up some tacos from Taco Cabana and brought them back to the house, so we were able to have a nice leisurely breakfast together.

When their car backs out of the driveway, we are always grateful for Duke. As they drive off, it has become a habit for Jason or Rebeca to say "Cattles" to Duke in a serious voice and that makes Duke bark. So, as they are driving off, Duke usually has his head out the window as he barks and barks and it is so funny! It always makes us laugh. This time, though, we got a bonus, because we could also hear Jack's little high-pitched bark coming out along with the deep barks of Duke. We don't know what they were telling Jack to make him bark, but it was great to hear that little chorus going down the road. So, we were able to smile, even though we felt incredibly sad.

So, now it's just Guillermo and I again in the house. We have had visitors since before Christmas - Rebeca came for Christmas and stayed about a week, Martina came at the beginning of January, Fernando came shortly after Martina and stayed for several days, Martina was with us all of January and February, Andrew came at the end of February and stayed for two and a half weeks, Rebeca and Jason came last week, Mom spent Monday night, Martina and Andrew left on Tuesday, and Rebeca and Jason left today. It has been most enjoyable. While cleaning up the house and getting things back to the way we had them, I felt a little sad. Guillermo and I love being together, but we also had lots of fun with everyone. So, it's a bittersweet thing!

Friday, March 20, 2009

Duke and Diablillo (a.k.a. Energumeno, Jack or Jackeeeeeee)

Rebeca and Diablillo "singing" at the window.

Checking e-mail.

Duke with his flea.

This is the only way we could get Jack to sit with his tick. He was nowhere near as accommodating as Duke was.

And a few pictures from the dinner at Linda's house, which was just lovely. We all had such a nice time and Rebeca's Lasagna was delicious!

Jason and Jacob had fun playing basketball outside!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Sad day

No camera at the airport - we all forgot. It's just as well. It's always sad taking people TO the airport. Andrew and Martina checked in, we sat around in Starbucks talking, and just like that, they were gone! It was sad to see them go, but we sure did enjoy having them here in San Antonio for a little while. Guillermo and I enjoyed very much having Martina with us since the beginning of January. We had lots of fun seeing San Antonio through her eyes, and gaining a greater appreciation for the English language, for Texas and for all things Western. And of course it was fun having Andrew stay with us for a little over two weeks. It was nice that Rebeca was able to be here at the same time he was - there are always lots of laughs when we are all together!

Rebeca and I visited a little with Mom (her Oma) after the airport. We looked at all the plants at her house, and then we took her out for lunch at Taco Cabana.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Last full day in Texas

Well, Martina and Andrew leave tomorrow morning. We had a leisurely pancake breakfast this morning, took a walk down the street and then turned Andrew's rental car in. We also drove to SAC so that Andrew could meet Martina's teacher. Later this evening, Mom, Linda and Jacob are coming over and we're going to eat at Dough. Right now, though, Martina and Andrew are packing and I'm re-making beds - Mom will be spending this night with us!

Rebeca's friend, Laura, joined us on our walk this day.

Well, we ended up not eating at Dough, because they were CLOSED!!! So, we did the next best thing, we went across the parking lot and ate Korean Barbecue.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Rebeca's here and what are the odds???

Rebeca and Jason came in at 3:00 in the morning last night. We didn't hear them, a fact that surprised them because apparently as soon as Diablillo was let out of the car, he made a beeline for some animal in the front yard, barking his head off. They said they were mortified and were so sure that we had been awakened by that commotion. When we finally did hear them inside the house, they were pretty much ready for bed, so we told them goodnight and we'd see them in the morning.

Jason got up fairly early (for having gone to bed so late), because he was trying to make it to Dallas in time to have lunch with his mom. We saw him off, then we all went back to bed. When we finally did get up for the day, Guillermo made some great eggs and we had them with beans, potatoes, tortillas and fruit. Andrew and Martina came shortly after breakfast and we all just hung around for a while.

I'm not sure when these pictures were taken, but it was more or less around this time.

Rebeca, Martina and I made a quick trip to the mall, before we went out to dinner at Sushihana.

An interesting observation was made at the end of dinner. We commented on how Guillermo and I are 11 years apart, Martina and Andrew are 11 years apart and Andrew and I have an 11 year age difference. Then Rebeca observed that Guillermo is 66 years old, I am 55, Andrew is 44 and Martina is 33 years old. We were all amazed at the uniqueness of that and figured - what are the ODDS of something like that happening!?!? That we were all together, in this year- the only year that would work. Here is a picture of this "doubles group", in order.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

This time with Andrew!

Friday night, we all went out to Midnight Rodeo, so that Andrew could see how much fun it is there. We played lots of pool - we played in teams and Guillermo was really a one man team because I was no help at all. It's weird, because the time before when we played against each other, I played so much better. It was fun anyway. Martina and Andrew made lots of nice shots and of course, Guillermo just stunned us with some of the shots he sunk. After playing pool, we danced a little out on the floor - we like the floor there - it is shaped like a track so it is really easy to move around it.

Here's a picture of where we usually eat dinner at home - watching either an episode of "Lost" or a movie.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Mom's Birthday Party

Today we celebrated our mom's 80th birthday!! Actually, the pictures tell the story best. But, in a nutshell, the day was a great one! We had beautiful, cool weather and all the food and drinks were so good!! It was a fun day! It was fun watching Mom open presents. It was fun watching a video that our Uncle Bruno sent from Austria (it arrived the day before the party!!) This video was put together from clips that Uncle Bruno had taken of all of us on 8mm film many years ago, so it was very interesting to watch. It was fun going for our traditional walk down the street. And of course, the best part was just talking with everyone and catching up on what's going on in all of our lives.
 Martina decorating the tables

 and setting up the balloons.

Here comes the Birthday Lady!

We think Mom had a very happy birthday!