Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Sad day

No camera at the airport - we all forgot. It's just as well. It's always sad taking people TO the airport. Andrew and Martina checked in, we sat around in Starbucks talking, and just like that, they were gone! It was sad to see them go, but we sure did enjoy having them here in San Antonio for a little while. Guillermo and I enjoyed very much having Martina with us since the beginning of January. We had lots of fun seeing San Antonio through her eyes, and gaining a greater appreciation for the English language, for Texas and for all things Western. And of course it was fun having Andrew stay with us for a little over two weeks. It was nice that Rebeca was able to be here at the same time he was - there are always lots of laughs when we are all together!

Rebeca and I visited a little with Mom (her Oma) after the airport. We looked at all the plants at her house, and then we took her out for lunch at Taco Cabana.

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