Friday, March 20, 2009

Duke and Diablillo (a.k.a. Energumeno, Jack or Jackeeeeeee)

Rebeca and Diablillo "singing" at the window.

Checking e-mail.

Duke with his flea.

This is the only way we could get Jack to sit with his tick. He was nowhere near as accommodating as Duke was.

And a few pictures from the dinner at Linda's house, which was just lovely. We all had such a nice time and Rebeca's Lasagna was delicious!

Jason and Jacob had fun playing basketball outside!


  1. I never saw Flea before...Too Funny...I get a false perception on Dukes size in his photo...Was he happier when Jason showed up?...HI JACKEEE...

  2. Martina and I really liked this post
