Sunday, April 12, 2009

The Energumeno is in trouble!

The first 3 pictures show Guillermo about to cut off the top of the Caltech tree. How he hated doing that, but it had died up on top because squirrels had eaten away at the bark. Anyway, if you know how Guillermo can be, then you can just imagine what he is saying in those pictures.
"If that blankety-blank Energumeno had just done his job when he was here, then those blankety-blank squirrels wouldn't have been able to do this to this tree!" :-)

The jasmine is really blooming along our fence out front and on both sides of the porch. It smells so good on the porch, and we can really smell the jasmine also when we wash dishes. The cardinal has once again taken up residence in the jasmine on the front porch!

The avocado is bursting with baby avocados, but there are too many of them, and some are just going to have to fall off to make room for just a few of them.

The roses around our yard are just so beautiful right now.

1 comment:

  1. Now THAT'S entertainment...We LOVED seeing Jackie get in trouble ;)...But really, he is a very sweet doggie...Martina really liked your flower photos (as did I)...If and when you guys come over here, you need to arrive around Easter time, so you can see all of our beautiful blossoms...
