Monday, April 27, 2009

Update on baby cardinals

Here's the latest on the baby cardinals:

The morning after we had worried about the birds making it through the night without something getting them, we found one of the babies in the dirt just barely hanging on. Guillermo picked it up and we found a box to place it in. Then we soft-boiled an egg and fed him some of that, and gave him a little water. But it looked like the poor thing was already too far gone. It actually rallied for a little while during the day, even standing straight up! We were a little more hopeful at that point, but by the morning, sad to say, it was gone.
Today, we saw one of the other babies on a bush by the greenhouse, and the other baby in a persimmon bush nearby. Those two seem to be doing real well, and we've even seen them fly a little bit, so they'll be fine.

In the afternoon, after some good rain showers went through and the air had really cooled off, we saw a Painted Bunting in the Crape Myrtle that is right outside the window to Fernando's room! That was so exciting!! Then right after that, we saw a pretty little yellow warbler. And wouldn't you know it, we were out of bird seed!! So, we headed out to Walmart to pick up seed and a few other items, refilled the feeders when we got home, but we saw neither bird again. We did walk out to the creek since we figured it'd be running and saw a nice big snake on the edge of the water. So, we look forward to watching the snakes again back there!

1 comment:

  1. Wow...Who needs the Discovery channel when you have all of that going on right outside your window...I really miss being at your place...
