Friday, May 8, 2009

Feeding the deer

It sure is hot here now. Today was 100 degrees. And no rain in sight.

Every evening, Guillermo and I usually walk to the creek out back, which has dried up by now. Lately we have been seeing lots of deer back there. They used to be up on the sides of the channel, but the last few days we have even seen them in the middle of the channel.

So yesterday, we decided that next time we were going to bring bread and start throwing the bread and also some corn out there for them. We took bread and corn out there today, throwing it as best as we could with that wind going on. After doing that, we walked back to the house, did a few things with the garden and our plants and about 20 minutes later walked back out to the creek. We were happy to see that there were lots of deer on the sides and in the channel. One deer noticed us and started stamping its foot at us. Eventually they all saw us, and one by one ran off. We are just going to have to patiently habituate them, and it didn't look like they had gotten to the bread and corn yet.

It was getting dark, and as we walked back to the house, we heard a Whip-Poor-Will!! We stood for a while enjoying the sound of its call, at the same time marveling at the big moon that was rising over the trees.

Guillermo painted our old riding mower today, and tomorrow I'm going to take a picture of it!!! He did a really good job - it almost looks new! I'll take pictures of his garden, too, because all of the plants look so nice and healthy! Guillermo says they may LOOK nice and healthy, but he is fighting a seemingly hopeless battle with spider mites. He's also been battling the rabbit, who has found countless ways to get into his garden. I like the image of Guillermo chasing the rabbit around in the garden, too bad there's no way to get a picture of that. But Guillermo thinks he has sealed up any and all possible holes now and, unless he actually sealed the rabbit INSIDE the garden, the rabbit shouldn't be a problem anymore.

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