Friday, May 22, 2009

Remembering Aunt Elfi

It is a very sad day because our Aunt Elfi, my mother's twin sister, died today. She had been sick, but that didn't make the news any easier to take. She was a very special aunt, and I will always treasure every single memory I have of time spent with her.
I remember one time in particular, visiting her in Toronto, Canada. We were there in 1991, and I can still to this day remember how it felt to see Aunt Elfi in her kitchen, or see her sitting at the table. Seeing her made me feel like my mother was right there with us, because looking at Aunt Elfi was like looking at my mother. It was actually a very comforting feeling.
Another time I remember very fondly is in 2003, when Aunt Elfi went with us up to Bad Fusch. It was snowing so heavily, and my mother and she were walking down a slight incline and they both fell down in the deep snow. Neither was hurt, the snow providing a nice cushion, but I remember the expression on both their faces of surprise and then relief to know that all was ok.
May Aunt Elfi rest in peace.

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