Monday, July 27, 2009

Purple carrots!!!!!

These carrots are from seeds that Rebeca gave Guillermo for Christmas. Purple carrots!!

So, we fixed them for supper today! Linguine and Clam Sauce, Carrots, Salad, Fruit and a good Texas white wine. Delicious!!

The Chocolate Vine seeds and the Chinese Banana seeds are the only seeds Rebeca gave him that didn't come up. Guillermo still waters them everyday, but it's been about 6 months so it doesn't look like they will be growing.

Friday, July 24, 2009

The red is out

We said goodbye to the red Nissan today. It's been giving us hassles for some time now, and it was just time to go get another car. We are now the proud owners of a 2003 Camry, which is exactly like Rebeca's!

It was sad to see the red car go - a 1996 200SXse - which we had for quite a while. Actually, we got it as a used car back in 1998, right after we flooded. It was Fernando's car when he was a student at Cal Tech, it took us back and forth to Austin many many times, and it took me to my job at Elrod for YEARS. We can only hope that this "new" used car will be as good as that little Nissan was.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Enjoyable morning on Riverwalk

On Sunday, Linda, Mom and I met for breakfast at the Starbucks on the Riverwalk. It was lovely. The weather was cloudy and fairly cool. After our coffee and pastry, we walked along the river a little, and that's when it started getting hot.
From the riverwalk, we drove to Linda's house and worked on her computer.

Linda and Mom enjoying the nice breeze outside Starbucks on the Riverwalk.

I'm surprised the female stopped for one second to look at the camera...

...because these ducks were in constant motion.

By this time, the weather was really getting hot, and we were ready to go back home.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

New door

Well, we've talked about it for years, but today, we finally got a new back door put on our garage. Our good friend John came over in the morning, and aside from a break for lunch, they both pretty much worked straight through the day on it out in the heat and sun. Thank goodness for lots of iced tea, gatorade and a fan blowing!

I should have included pictures of the yard! Yesterday, Wednesday, was our designated watering day. So we got up at 5:20am and put the sprinklers on in the front yard and the back yard. We changed the location of the sprinklers every hour or so and by 8am, the sprinklers had to be turned off. At 8pm, we turned the sprinklers back on in a new location, and by 10pm, had covered most of the desired areas of the yard. Today, the grass showed how happy it was to have had some water.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Elementary school memories

After reconnecting through Facebook with a few people that I went to high school with (and even elementary school!), we all decided to get together for dinner. One person came in from Kentucky with her family, and another came in from Pearland, Texas.

Marie Harper and I were in the same first grade class, and we shared the memories each of us have of those school days. Most outstanding in our minds, though, was the time she and I ran away from school together. I did not remember why we ran away (I thought it was because we just didn't like the school), but she believes it was because they changed the hours to make the school day longer. We decided we were going to leave at the regular time. I don't remember our escape or our running, but what I do remember is entering some home's garage and sitting with her in the back of that garage until we were found. We were only 6 years old and this garage was several blocks away from the school, and we had to cross a big street. Neither of us has ever forgotten that day!
Marie and I 50 years later.

My first grade picture 

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Like a hummingbird

We love watching this little guy hover over our flowers. He seems to prefer blue flowers. He is called a Snowberry Clearwing Moth. Whenever we see him, he reminds us of a teeny little hummingbird, but he is actually a moth!!!

Isn't he just precious!?

It's so hot and dry here, every single day the high gets in the 100's. We have NEVER seen a year like this one. The ONE good thing about this time of year, though, is how the sun shines in through our blinds in the evenings. It makes everything looks so warm and inviting.