Friday, July 10, 2009

Elementary school memories

After reconnecting through Facebook with a few people that I went to high school with (and even elementary school!), we all decided to get together for dinner. One person came in from Kentucky with her family, and another came in from Pearland, Texas.

Marie Harper and I were in the same first grade class, and we shared the memories each of us have of those school days. Most outstanding in our minds, though, was the time she and I ran away from school together. I did not remember why we ran away (I thought it was because we just didn't like the school), but she believes it was because they changed the hours to make the school day longer. We decided we were going to leave at the regular time. I don't remember our escape or our running, but what I do remember is entering some home's garage and sitting with her in the back of that garage until we were found. We were only 6 years old and this garage was several blocks away from the school, and we had to cross a big street. Neither of us has ever forgotten that day!
Marie and I 50 years later.

My first grade picture 

1 comment:

  1. Wow...Waiting in the garage until you were found...That's precious
