Monday, July 27, 2009

Purple carrots!!!!!

These carrots are from seeds that Rebeca gave Guillermo for Christmas. Purple carrots!!

So, we fixed them for supper today! Linguine and Clam Sauce, Carrots, Salad, Fruit and a good Texas white wine. Delicious!!

The Chocolate Vine seeds and the Chinese Banana seeds are the only seeds Rebeca gave him that didn't come up. Guillermo still waters them everyday, but it's been about 6 months so it doesn't look like they will be growing.


  1. Nice new car...Funky carrots...How did they taste?

  2. We love our new car - too bad we didn't have it when Martina was here! :-(
    They purple carrots tasted very good. They are purple only on the outer layer, inside they are just like regular carrots. We thought they were delicious!
