Monday, November 23, 2009

The lights are on but off

Yesterday, Guillermo and I put the Christmas lights up on the outside of the house. As we were putting up the lights, and going through the usual hassles that putting up Christmas lights always is, we wondered if this was going to be the last time we would ever put up lights at this house.

Anyway, after going way too high up on ladders and leaning farther over than is probably good, we got the lights up, and turned them on for a little while to see how they looked. They look really nice, and all the hassles were quickly forgotten. We left the lights off for the night, and today, we set the timers to make sure the lights would come on when dusk came.

Guillermo worked out in his garden, and I mowed the front lawn this evening. And while we were cleaning up the driveway of all the leaves, the lights came on and we had to admit it looked very nice. But we turned them off after a little while again, it just seems too early to keep them on yet. But on Thanksgiving evening, they are ON!!!!

Ok Rebeca, here is that picture we said we'd post. It is unbelievable how well that necklace goes with that blouse!!!

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