Thursday, November 12, 2009

Things are moving along

So, this is what's been happening lately around here.

On Tuesday, the 10th, we met with officials from Bexar County about the buyout of our homes. We met with them at Bill Miller Barbecue. The purpose of the meeting was basically to show them that there ARE people who are interested in seeing the buyout process proceed through the appraisal process. It appears that they were under the impression that most people on this street DO NOT want the process to continue. Although they should have been aware that there are always two sides to everything. Anyway, I think we got our point across.

Guillermo has finished fixing up the two greenhouses for winter, and we will probably start putting our plants inside in the next few days. The smaller greenhouse was a complete mess, and that took a lot of work. The big greenhouse takes a different kind of work, in that big sheets of plastic need to be stapled to all sides of the structure - both inside and out. And Guillermo found several holes in the roof of the greenhouse (we had a big branch fall right on to the greenhouse). So, those holes needed to be repaired also. BUT, we've had good weather the last few days, and it's all finished and ready for the plants.

On top of transferring flood video from VHS to DVD, I have also been transferring our home video to DVD. It's gotten easier the more I do it, but at first, trying to figure out how to make tracks, or when to pause to leave out unwanted scenes and all that, well, I "wasted" a DVD or two before I finally got it right.

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