So, this is what has been going on since last Monday - a week ago! My how time flies, it was one week ago already that Fernando and Eva gave us the exciting news.
Actually not too much has been going on. Just the usual. Last Tuesday was market day, so of course we walked into town to pick up the things we've come to like from that market - like tamales, soup and bread. We've also gotten to know some of the vendors there and we usually spend a little time chatting with them. On the days we don't walk into town, we usually do a walk around in the valley here.
There hasn't been much rain lately, but there still is that little mist quite often during the day called the Bajareque. We've even made a verb out of the word, saying things like, "It's really bajareque-ing!" On Friday Guillermo got his hair cut at a barbershop downtown and he said it was like stepping back in time with the barber using a straight edge to put the finishing touches on his cut. When he got out, he looked like he had just joined some branch of the military, his hair was so short!!! It's not that obvious in this picture, but doesn't he look all nice and trim anyway??
Here are some pictures of our "christmas tree" and where we've put some lights around the desk where my laptop is.
This picture is a little blurry, but I've tried several times and this is as good as it gets. There could be TONS more lights all over those reeds, but half the strand doesn't work.....
Yet another picture that could be better, but I just love all those lights blinking around the computer.
And here's an update on how the bananas are progressing. They are all starting to make the turn upward.
We've also been going into town almost everyday for one thing or the other. We're expecting a card or two that has been sent to us, so we check with the post office periodically to see if anything has arrived for us. As of today, nothing has come in. We've also been trying to figure out how we can send a deposit to the next place we're going to stay, which is in Costa Rica. We need to reserve our place there, and have gone into town like 3 times, going from bank to bank, checking with the post office and finally Western Union. Western Union seemed the most promising and on Friday we went back to send a wire, but their system was down. We checked again on Saturday and their system was still down, so we knew we were going to have to go to a bigger town to get this done.
So, that's what we did today!! We walked into town, checked with the Western Union place, JUST in case their system was up again, but it wasn't. So, we knew we had to go to David, which is not too far from Boquete and we went to David on the bus. An old school bus! When the bus took off, the weather was nice and sunny. The ride to David went quickly, it probably took about 45 minutes. The bus dropped us off in David right where we needed to be, by a little mall that is right on the road to Boquete. So it was very convenient. The first thing we did was get in the line for Western Union at the nice big supermarket. That took quite a while, because there were many people in line. BUT, we got it done!!! Then we went on to fun things, like looking around in the nice stores around there, getting a few things, eating lunch at Subway, then picking up a few things at that nice supermarket before going back out to wait for the bus for the ride back. The ride back to Boquete wasn't quite as comfortable, because the bus was full so we had to stand for a little while, until people got off and seats became available. It was hot and sunny in David, but as we climbed back into Boquete, the weather got cooler, and in Boquete itself it was drizzling! So, we had to walk back home in a drizzle, but it wasn't bad, and at least it was nice and cool.
Tomorrow is market day again! Yeah!