Monday, November 29, 2010

talk about lucky!

Today is a holiday for Panama, since the actual Independence date fell on a Sunday.  Must be nice to be an employee here because there sure seems to be an abundance of holidays!

We aren't sure if there was anything going on in town today, as we didn't walk in.  We thought we heard music coming from that direction earlier in the day, but weren't too sure.  We heard that the parades yesterday didn't end until 11:00 at night!!!   It was amazing that it never rained at all yesterday - today it was sunny until the early afternoon and then the rains began.  As Guillermo and I were headed out for a walk around here in the early afternoon, it did look like the clouds were starting to form.  By the end of our walk we were walking in that fine mist that happens so much around here.  A little while after we got back home, it started raining much harder.  So, all the parade participants and all the people that were out celebrating the holiday yesterday were lucky that the celebration fell yesterday and not today!  But I guess around here, the people are used to just doing things in the rain.  We've seen school kids out waiting for their school bus just standing out in the rain as if nothing.  We've seen kids walking home from school, in the pouring rain just chatting and laughing as if it was a regular sunny day.  So, there surely has been many a parade where it rained the whole time and the parade just went on as usual!!!

                                        Here is a picture taken out our front window of the rain:

Looking from our balcony towards the back

This is from our balcony also, and if you click on the picture, you can see the rain falling.


  1. When we were in Arizona at an indian reservation, they were walking around in the rain as if it were sunny outside as well. I guess I'm part of the society that doesn't want to be at work all day in wet clothes. I love the pictures of the valley. In some ways, it reminds me of Austria. John

  2. When I spent time in Guam, it was the same attitude...If you went inside cause it's raining, you would never get anything done...Funnny thing that

    Really nice photos Vicki...I like the place you have and that you haven't moved from there yet.

  3. I was just impressed to see all those kids, wet to the core. Just walking around, laughing, talking, clothes hanging 'cause they're so wet - no big deal. No umbrellas in sight. It's been raining much of the day again, and I'm sure it's the same scene again with everyone who's out in it.
    That's interesting about Arizona and Guam!
    Oh, and thanks for signing your names to the anonymous - it's nice to know who comments. :-)

  4. Doing it the "Anne O Nemus" way is just so much easier than having to log in.
