Thursday, November 25, 2010

Pictures from Guillermo's Camera

Finally downloaded Guillermo's pictures from his camera and resized some of them for this blog.
Clay Colored Robin - all these bird pictures are taken from our bedroom window.

Blue Gray Tanagers

Same Tanagers

Sheri's Tanager

We just LOVE seeing the clouds like this.

Brugmansia flowers

Hanging from a nearby house

Torrent Tyrannulet - this picture was taken along one of the streams here.

Great Egret, taken by a pond on the golf course

....And we got the rental car for one more day, since there are several places we wanted to look at today and tomorrow morning!


  1. I realized how "sucked in" I became, when at your last photos I clicked for more and there were none.

    These are all very nice pictures.

    The views from your place there are amazing...I am sure you both already ran the numbers for retiring there...ha


  2. Nice one on the Torrent Tyrannulet. With all the swift, rocky streams in that area, I imagine those birds are living it up.

  3. Beautiful! I think those flowers you weren't sure of were some type of orchid. Elaine
