Sunday, February 14, 2010

bed is down

Today is Valentine's Day!  Guillermo snuck out this morning and bought some breakfast tacos for our breakfast - they were delicious and what a pleasant surprise that was!!  It made for a very nice morning.

So, today we worked a little on the red room, and dismantled the bed in there.  The room is going to become our practice storage room, so we can see how things will fit when we get our bigger storage unit.
Ok, this is one of the first things we started on.  

The bed is down.

Bookcase emptying out...

We went to my cousin Lydia's wedding that evening.  We had a good time.


  1. Martinas immediate reaction was " I went at just at the right time didn't I? I will miss the view from the kitchen, the nice birds, the squirels and even the skunks (she really said that). And the nice dinners where we had equal shares of such nice things......."

    Heavy sigh...

  2. Martina came at the absolute best time in many ways. But she was a saint to put up with all those skunks - not to mention the FLEAS!! Whaaaa???? I just can't believe she (and we) had to go through all of that!!!!! And to some extent, you too, Andrew!
    I will be forever grateful that she came last year, and for all the fun we had together. :-)

  3. I'm reading this on my lunch hour (next day)...I still just cannot imagine what you all went through...Sometimes when Martina and I skyped, it unfolded like a tragic-comedy-drama.
