Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Hmmm, our house....

Yesterday, I went by Elrod Elementary and stayed over an hour talking to the people I used to work with in the office.  It was so nice to be back there for a while.  I even agreed to come by periodically and volunteer some there in the office.  Working - I don't miss at all, but the people I used to work with, that I do miss so I'm thinking volunteering will be a nice way to keep in touch with everyone.

So, knowing that our house is going to be torn down in a few short months makes it a little hard to feel a need to fix anything anymore.  The last repair we did to this house was in October, which was when we noticed the toilet  leaking at its base.  At first we debated whether to spend the money to fix that, but knowing Rebeca and Jason would be staying with us at Christmas, and knowing we'd have plenty of people here on Christmas Day, well both of those things motivated us to spend the money to fix the leak.  And it was worth it.
But since the start of the new year, it has seemed easy to let everything else go.  The shower drips in the tub, the carpet looks really grungy, the refrigerator gathers water again on the inside forming ice on the shelves, the washer doesn't spin that good anymore, and on and on.  Some of it can be good, though.  I'm still hanging pictures on the wall - especially those prints Fernando brought back from Ghana.  Slowly, I'm getting them all framed and when I go to hang them on the wall, I'm not concerned at all if I put the nail in not quite the right place.  Hey, I just take the nail out and move it over or higher or lower.  Who cares how many holes I make in the wall (as long as the hole is still hidden)!

1 comment:

  1. I would've compared prices of renting a port-o-potty to fixing the existing toilet...
