So, today it was time to start what will be the rearranging of a few rooms. Before we started on Fernando's room, though, we had to get in a few shots of the room that we have considered our living room ever since 1998. This is where Guillermo and I spent a lot of time every evening and on weekends. Working on the computer, or grading papers, eating dinner, watching a movie or watching 24 or Lost.
We liked working in here and it was nice having a nice big window where we could see out to the backyard.
When we'd watch one of our shows during dinner, we'd use those ottomans as tables. It was our favorite way to have dinner at home.
And this is where Vicki was found most of the time.
So, after we took those pictures, it was time to start working on the room. Isn't it amazing what a few pictures of family hanging on the wall can do for a room?
By the end of the day, the desk and shelving was gone, and in its place was the stuff for the garage sale. Tomorrow, we hope to move the futon and TV over to Rebeca's room, which means taking down the bed in there. Musical rooms is not over yet!
This is the beginning of the end.